
my ankle hurts

the first night of bootcamp i oh-so-graciously rolled my ankle and banged up my knee. it seems my ankle hasn't quite healed up... so last night i stopped running during the running parts. tonight i'll get in the first half our of circuits, but the last half is soccer. i think if i take it easy all weekend, hopefully it will rest up enough to heal itself. it's fine to walk on with minimal discomfort, but running aggravates the pain quickly.

this set back is frustrating - because i have seen so much improvement - and it's been 9 classes. my shape is changing - i feel less like a blob - and the energy!!! i have energy!!!

plans for this weekend.... harry potter! and, i will knit some more on the wedding gift blanket which will remain secretive until next year.


weekend update

i had the most lovely weekend....

saturday i was out and about - shopping for my secret knitting pal (through facebook), for a baby gift - and not to forget, to pick up harry potter.

i puttered around happiy for hours. then i stopped to eat. what a disaster! i wanted to find a cute & quaint little place for me and my reading - but by the time i had to choose, i was so hungry i just stopped at the heart & crown pub. by then, nothing on the menu inspired me and the waitress suggested fish and chips (i didn't want fried)... and i said yes - i'm not making excuses - i'm just stating that i was starving enough at that point to use up a lovely eating opportunity on greasy crap. it was average.... by the time i finished - i NEEDED to have something healthy in my body - so i scoured the market fruit stalls until i found an apple. mmmm... royal gala!!!

in any case... it was so great to feel this difference - the feeling crappy after eating crap feeling. it's another small progress, because along with bootcamp i have been changing my eating habits. i eat breakfast, 2 healthy snacks, and lunch - and a half decent supper. it's not hardcore, but big changes to me. lots of fruit and healthy choices.

all of this gives me extra energy! to knit! i've been working on saffron cables from interweave knits. it's a wedding present for my best friend. good thing her wedding is next summer, because i've calculated - and it will take me 75 hours to knit. no problem! pride and prejudice (the dvds) have just arrived courtesy of my library. i've added "road to avonlea" seasons 1 through 7 to my requested list now too. i'll be fine!

and, last night, i made it up 2 flights of stairs, and still had my breath... that was my goal for the bootcamp program - and i've already achieved it. now onto the next goal: weight loss!

also - i'm almost pain free at this point... no more walking like a cowboy - we'll see after wednesday (legs day).... eep.



i'm seeing progress

i am proud to say that i attended all 5 sessions of survivor bootcamp this week, no wimping out. today it poured all day, but we were lucky enough that it stopped by 6p.m. did i tell you it's outside rain or shine?

in any case... i'm feeling really good - still hurting - but i feel, energized for lack of a better word. healthy. i want to feed myself good food. i want to take care of myself. this is new to me. usually i just want to drown myself in crunchy chips or ice cream or something.

j's been spectacular - he's a fantastic motivator... making sure i am hydrated, don't indulge in crap (which isn't indulging if it's 1. bad for you ... and 2. not spectacular). i've decided to indulge only occasionally - and only in something truly spectacular.

in any case... i am excited. waiting to see physical results - but the physiological / mental ones are already apparent.

oh, i am going to knit my little heart out tomorrow... whilst jason hogs harry potter. i will read that next weekend.


the pain

(by which i mean physically, and the fact that i have to re-write this)

so far... i have rolled my ankle and scraped my knee.... purely due to clumsiness on my part.

otherwise... it's a real work out. i'm in awful shape - so i'm really feeling it. it feels good, but in a painfully good way. i know i'm doing this for the best.

however, today, i sneezed, here is a reenactment: "achoo... OUCH!!!" - i didn't realize stomach muscles contracted when you sneeze... but boy, did it hurt. right now i'm trying to take it easy on the stairs.... oh the holy awful ouch!


survivor bootcamp

today... i begin http://www.survivorbootcamp.com/.

i have been slowly creeping up the scales for the past, oh, 8 years.... and am now at the point of desperation.

5 days a week, 1 hour a day, 4 weeks - i'm going to get my butt kicked. and to be honest, i am so excited!! i do love a challenge, and i know it's going to be hard and i'm going to complain and be miserable... but it's that same kind of complaining and being miserable that you know is going to end up being good for you in the end (you know, like eating spinnach or going to your annual exam). speaking of annual exams, i had mine today. my bad cholesterol is not so good... my doctor recommends more exercise. well, the timing couldn't have been any better. my life has been like that lately. timing has been perfect - too perfect to notice. for example, i received the "foster parents plan" package at a time where i really needed to have someone else to think about.... you know, life's interesting turns.

in any case... it all comes back to knitting. how, you might ask? there are so many projects i would love to knit for myself, clothingwise.... but i have stalled. 1. because the amount of yarn i would need is a lot 2. because i keep telling myself... well, i'll buy new clothes when i lose weight. darn it, it's time to do something about it.... can you tell my "thriftiness" is a major motivation? well, i am unashamed.

so, there goes nothing. i'm looking forward to tonight. the interesting part is it's 'rain or shine'... so i'll be out there in the muck "giving him 20, soldier"...


stashing, ravelry-ing....

today, i spent a good chunk of the day photographically documenting my extensive stash (ahem, thrifted sweaters from value village, etc). i ran out of room on flickr before i could upload it all.

here's a peek at the pile of sweaters i have yet to unravel. thank heavens for my ball winder!


not a great blogger

oh, how i wish i were a blogger with panache... like the bloggers i so admire: the yarn harlot, helloyarn, brainylady.... i read their musings and feel as though i'm window shopping and never buying... does anyone else get that feeling?

i'm going to try to stop my lurking ways... it's not intentional... i enjoy reading and seeing all of the lovely knitting and discovering new & wonderful things... but then i feel like a poo when i don't speak up.

here i am. tada!

skully baby sweater for maya

pink skulls on black sweater (daisy sweater pattern in 6-12 months size), cross-stitched skullies from stitch & bitch nation (pattern: baby's first tattoo).

pixie hat in matching pink yarn.

for maya.